This page provides free information on Youngevity Team G'Day income opportunities and training.
You can do this part time or more professional as a person looking at replacing their income. We are happy to help you get there.
To contact myself (Jamel) fill in contact form above or ph / texp me on +61-466-984-938
watch 7 min clip below and if you want to be a customer or distributor, call me on +61-466-984-938 Jamel
Youngevity has made an excellent new 7min video to share... and I am proud to say I'm in it! Link above.
Below: screenshot from promo video on stage with Company President, David Briske(left), CEO and Dr Wallach's son Steve Wallach(center) and myself on the right. Youngevity excels in supporting us.
below: 2018 new comp plan (4 images)
below: click image for free Healthy Body Pack - If you are a current distributor on a Healthy Body Pack and enrol 3 new associates in one month on a Healthy Body Pack - send this to corrperste for you next month's free pack.
Business Presentation:
How to enroll an associate:
How to set autoship:
Dr Joel Wallach, ND